Opposite Banks

Exhibition February 13th - 19th 2022
Open Daily Sunday -Saturday 10.00-17.00 hrs .
Birdwood House Gallery,48 High Street , Totnes TQ9 5SQ
Ann Chester King and Judith Cockram like many creative people, in March 2021 were missing input, feedback and discussion with others about art. And like many during this time found themselves enrolling on an on-line course -something they could never have previously envisaged doing. By good fortune they both enrolled on St.Ives Art School of Painting ‘Abstracting Landscape A Sense of Place’ taught by abstract expressionist painter and tutor Liz Hough.
The course explored finding ways to express a sense of place through a minimal use of shape and line using collage, experimental drawing techniques and paint. A central part of the course was to choose a particular ‘place’, close to home. Judith’s choice was an area known locally as Longmarsh on the Totnes side of the River Dart and Ann’s an area of reed beds on the opposite side of the river.
Judith and Ann admire one another’s work and had thought about doing an exhibition together for a while, ‘Abstracting Landscape A Sense of Place’ provided the opportunity to do so. The exhibition ‘Opposite Banks’ has arisen from exploring two geographically very close but very different places. It provides the viewer with the opportunity to see how each artist has interpreted and undertaken the same course to produce two very different and distinct bodies of work.
Exhibition Pieces
A Something in a Summer Noon, oil on canvas, 70 x 95 cm.
Morning Mist, oil on canvas, 51 x 51cm
River Dart 1, collage on board, 22 x 28 cm.
And Yet How Still the landscape Stands, oil on wood panel ,35 x 45 cm
A certain Sharpness in the Morning Air, oil on wood panel, 29 x 34 cm.
On the Edge , oil and collage on canvas, 24 x 24 cm .
And Still Within A Summers Night,oil on wood panel,21 x 28cm
The Morning Lit, the Birds Arose, oil on wood panel,24 x 24 cm.